Our Solutions
- Executive Comeback Coaching
- Comeback Workshops
- Flexible Workplace Workshops
- Building HR Capability Consultancy
- Tailored ‘Comeback’ Communications
- Comeback Community
“I went into coaching sceptical about what I would get out. It was brilliant!”
Louise, MD, BlackRock
“…the feedback has been amazing, from both returners and line managers.”
Kirsty, Head of Development & Wellbeing, ITV
“Comeback coaching has given returning colleagues the confidence to have more open conversations with their line managers about their career aspirations. We’ve started to see a shift in the number of women in senior positions and TTKS have certainly helped with that journey.”
Nicola, L&D Partner, Federated Hermes
Human beings have evolved to notice the negatives. For a practical tip to pay better attention to the positive points in your performance review get this fortnight’s edition of TALENT KEEPING. It’s free: https://subscribepage.com/talentkeepers @TalentKeepersUK
Caring For Employees With Neurodivergent Children – Responses to 7 Qs
Caring for employees with neurodivergent children is close to my heart, writes Jessica Chivers, coaching psychologist and founder of The Talent Keeper Specialists. “Last year my son was permanently excluded from school four months ahead of his GCSEs for ‘persistent disruptive behaviour’ and six weeks later my daughter was diagnosed with anorexia. My son was […]
How Working From Home Could Close Your Gender Pay Gap (And Why Male Leaders Should Talk About Housework)
Stanford University economics professor Nicholas Bloom thinks remote working is so relevant to today’s knowledge workers he’s co-organising a two-day remote work conference this autumn. He’s the researcher who found working from home led to a 13% uplift in performance among call centre staff at the 16,000-employee, NASDAQ-listed Chinese travel agency, CTrip1. Working from home is of […]
Are compressed hours fair?
By Jessica Chivers, founder of The Talent Keeper Specialists How to make full time work, work How to make full time work work is explored in episode 62 of our podcast, COMEBACK COACH. It’s the podcast recommended by HR leaders to employees preparing to return to work after a break. Compressed hours are one of […]
The Equal Parent
What can two gay dads teach fathers about being a parent? Quite a lot actually. That was the headline in The Times on Saturday 25/2/23 about Paul & Robin Morgan-Bentley, a husband and husband duo who had their son Solly via surrogacy. Paul is the author of a new book The Equal Parent (digested below) […]
Start your new job by considering your quit criteria
“What if I leave this job and hate the next one?” This is a fear many of us have experienced in our careers when we’re in a job we don’t like. It’s one we work on with coachees. Most of us would rather stay and keep hating our current job than risk moving to a […]
Don’t Fix Women
Our founder Jessica Chivers was delighted to contribute* to “Don’t Fix Women” and join Joy Burnford at the launch at the London Stock Exchange. When JC reads non-fiction she’s in the habit of marking up key page references in the front cover for ease of reference when she returns to it weeks/months/years down the line). […]
10 years of The Talent Keeper Specialists
The Talent Keeper Specialists is on a mission to keep everyone everywhere feeling confident, connected and cared for when they take extended leave from work. We celebrated 10 years with clients, coachees and podcast guests in London at the end of 2022.
Expectant Fathers at Work #BreakingTheBias #IWD2022
Jessica Chivers, founder of The Talent Keeper Specialists. When the Government introduced Shared Parental Leave in 2015 I was vocal about men needing a ‘use it or lose it’ portion set aside exclusively for them. I even berated Jo Swinson MP over coffee for failing to do this when she was in the coalition Government […]
How Comeback Coaching for Maternity Returners impacts Career Development in Professional Services
Comeback coaching is a phrase we coined to describe coaching that supports a person re-entering the world of work after a period of extended leave. We work mainly with women returning to work after maternity leave and this coaching is referred in academic literature as ‘maternity coaching’. Our work is wider than maternity and includes […]
We’re Hiring! Are you our CAN-MAN?
Community Ambassador & Nurture Manager “CAN-MAN” We’re looking for a warm, proactive, social media-savvy person who has experience of taking extended leave from a corporate environment, to join The Talent Keeper Specialists as our Community Ambassador & Nurture Manager. (Or “CAN-MAN” as we’re affectionately calling you). It’s a super flexible, part time, home-based role with […]